🥬 12 June 2024
Recipe from a Taiwanese Home Chef
1. One whole napa cabbage (1.5kg)
2. One medium size carrot
3. One glass can fermented tofu (drained)
4. Sugar 40g
5. White sesame oil 40g
6. Apple vinegar 40g
7. Fresh chilli (1 chilli padi, 2 for spicier)
8. One clove garlic 🧄
9. Small section ginger
10. 2 liter cooked water , cooled. (In big pot for washing cabbage 🥬)
11. Optional - 1 red apple, skinned. (Picture shows pear)
All ingredients except Napa cabbage and carrots, in the blender.
Caramelize the carrot in a pan with a little oil. When the surface turns yellow, switch off heat. Then add to the blender and blend - sugar, sesame oil, vinegar, garlic, ginger, apple, caramelized carrots, fermented tofu (drained), chilli (with or without seeds is ok), into a smooth paste.
If not using sauce immediately - chill til ready to use
Prepare vessel - large basin with cooled boiled water, 2 heaping tsp of salt.
Chop up cabbage, without prior washing (or wash, and make sure leaves are dry) and place in salted water. Wash thoroughly - no need to be gentle. Squeeze dry and leave in strainer to drain for 4 hours, maximum 6 hours.
Once time is up, and leaves are dry and strained. Mix in with the sauce, place in containers and chill overnight. Ready to eat the next day